Sunday, February 03, 2008

The weekend

Usually our Friday night 'date night' consists of one of us going to pick up take out and we all hang out at home until James goes to bed and then we'll play a game or watch a movie or whatever. Once a month or so we'll get a babysitter and go out and that is soooo nice. This Friday night we decided to be brave and take James out with us to dinner. We braced for the worst... but he did sooooo well! We went to Chili's and he was so happy to get crayons and a paper menu. We ordered chips and salsa because that is seriously one of his favorite foods. He sat there and happily dipped his chips and ate tons of salsa while the ladies at the next table just oohed and aahed at his adorable self sitting there in a high chair helping himself to the good stuff.

When our meals came he acted as if this is what we do everyday-he ate his chicken and dipped his fries and kept it up for the longest time. We actually got to enjoy our meals and not have him yelling, "Done! Down! Done! Down!" It was a fun time for all of us and we were so proud of him. (then we got home and he threw some sort of major fit because he wanted to watch Blue's Clues.)

Finally, Saturday night I scheduled a block of 'uninterruped' time to watch the season opener of "LOST" that we had recorded. I am seriously addicted to that show. I know which ones of you out there are adicted right with me and those who are disappointed in me liking such a show. Its totally a love/hate relationship... I can't WAIT til it comes on, and then everytime its over, I look at Ben and yell, "I HATE THIS SHOW". I get sooo frustrated because 'not enough happens' but I am back every week for more! I am also ticked that the writer's strike has made it so there will only be 8 episodes this season. Sigh. I guess that's what I get for being worldly. But seriously, its the ONLY show I watch on TV besides the news and Nick jr.

Today in Sunday School, the teacher was talking about Jerusalem around 600 BC and how wicked everyone was. He said, and I QUOTE "They were comitting adultery, idolatry, obesity" I seriously almost choked on my spit I was trying so hard not to laugh. Man, if they were wicked for 'committing obesity' I am sooooooooo going to outer darkness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Karla said...

I love LOST! I came late to the game, and I am still on Season 2. . . we are about 8 episodes into it. I love NetFlix. . . I am glad to see I am not alone.

BTW: Spencer LOVES the fan in his room. . . or rather mom and dad love the fan in his room. I really think it helps him stay asleep. Thanks for the advice!

J & K Shapiro said...

I really needed a good laugh, thanks for coming through for me! Who the heck is your Sunday School teacher?!

J & K Shapiro said...

Just kidding, don't tell me who it is.

The only one who writes anything said...

Kara, I *could* tell you that it was Brian Price, but that would be a lie, seeing as how he lives in Texas. haha! Actually, I've now gotten a couple of phone calls from people wondering who it was...

Annette G said...

Hey, I'll be in outer darkness with you. Should I bring donuts?

Janine said...

Brian's favorite sunday school moment was this June in the Utah ward I grew up in. One of the Gospel Doctrine teachers works at FARMS. He referenced one of the facsimilies of Abraham during class and Brian just lit up! Brian's dream lesson has always involved referencing the facsimiles in some relevant way...

Brian said...

Funny how friends know us better than family. An aunt informed me over Christmas that she was found it hard to believe I have much of a personality in the classroom.

And to set the record straight: It has been a lifelong dream of mine to be a Sunday School teacher in Carolyn's ward. Can you imagine the comments?! After 4 years in the BYU ward with her, I can. And just thinking about what might be said makes me laugh. HA! And now, if you'll turn with me to Facsimile #2...

FYI - We're no longer deep in the heart of Texas. We're now in North Carolina, desperately missing BBQ and Mexican food. I will be in El Paso next month, however... if you can really count that as Texas. I've always been in favor of giving that back to Mexico as a token gesture of good will.

The only one who writes anything said...

Oh my gosh! I must have been asleep when I wrote that ya'll were in TX. I totally know that ya'll are in north carolina!

You should totally come visit when you're in elp next month!